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Our humanitarian world tour

What better way to live a life-changing, abundant and authentic experience than a 2-year humanitarian world tour? 

Existential crisis for one, childhood dream for the other, it was the common desire to broaden horizons and question some of the choices that were too much influenced by our society. We left to find the wealth of each person, community and culture to broaden our understanding of the world. Among different lifestyles, ways of thinking, norms, customs, traditions, religions and beliefs, we swept away our clichés and met our own truth. It's this need, which nourished the humanitarian dimension of our world tour. Only a backpack and as close as possible to the locals to share generous moments of humanity, love and solidarity (volunteering experiences: available HERE, cultural immersions, local transports, homestays), we learned. Despite our monetary wealth, we are sometimes very poor in our humanity, our knowledge and our way of thinking, which always believes itself to be superior. 

The aim is to share our adventure in order to offer beautiful moments of humanity, shake perspectives and raise awareness about causes which we all need to face today (access to education, inequalities, discriminations, environmental protection, poverty...) on the planet we share.

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