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Writer's picture:  Anouck & Marie Anouck & Marie


Preparing time:

19 days on spot, or 2315 kms travelled.

Cooking time:

54 hours spent in 22 different transports.


  • 6 local buses

  • 1 minivan

  • 2 pick-ups (in the truck, for more taste)

  • 7 Grabs

  • 2 canoes

  • 2 tuk-tuks

  • 2 scooters


  • 1 museum to familiarize ourselves with the country's history

  • 1 unforgettable humanitarian experience at Thabarwa Centre, including:

    • 14 polished nails

    • 1 song repeated daily

    • 22 wheelchairs pushed

    • 0 disease caught despite an almost non-existent hygiene and a dozen mosquito bites

    • A lot of smiles and infectious laughs

  • 2 amazing reunions with former colleagues

  • 1 good pair of sunglasses to protect ourselves from the blinding reflection of the golden Shwedagon Pagoda

  • 2500 temples to admire (we recommend a selection)

  • 1 pair of earplugs to overcome the morning karaokes

  • 7 wandering puppies to cuddle

  • 2 very early morning (not to say middle of the night) arrivals

  • 1 half-night on the sofa of a hotel's reception

  • A 65-kms trek of 3 days including:

    • 1 guide called David Beckham

    • 5 big meals

    • 1 night in a homestay and/or in a monastery

    • 12 buffalos (at least)

    • 1 refreshing swim in a river

    • 1 giant beetle

    • 2 invigorating showers with frozen water (plan a big towel to create a screen...)

    • 1 pair of too-small hiking shoes

    • 8 blisters

    • 2 sunburns

    • 1 traditional massage on arrival

    • A lot of breathtaking landscapes and many chilis

  • 5 sunsets (pink or orange tones, to choose)

  • 1 goat rescue

  • 1 minivan journey worthy of Paris-Dakar

Method (overview):


Visit of the Shwedagon Pagoda

Strolling in the streets and markets of the city

Discovery of the country's history with the AAPP museum

Unbelievable Humanitarian mission at Thabarwa Centre, to be discovered HERE


Wandering with a scooter among the 2000 temples classified at Unesco

Assisting at a sunrise AND a sunset on these 11th century vestiges


Departure point of the trek linking Kalaw to Inle Lake

  • 65 kms in 3 days/ 2 nights

  • 1 night at a homestay and 1 in a monastery


Canoe excursion to meet traditional fishermen, floating gardens and craftsmen from the region

  • HPA-AN

Degustation of burmese dishes at the week-end night market

Delving into the Sadan cave

Admiring the surprising temple of Kyauk Ka Lat sitting on a rock

The bill (for 2): 508€

Positive feedbacks:

  • Rich history and culture

  • Not so many tourists so still an authentic country

Negative feedbacks:

  • Not very accomodating transportation (e.g. buses arriving in the middle of the night)

  • Dangerous and difficult to access some areas 

To go further and read the recipe's full details, click HERE !


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